I am 175 centimeters tall.
This makes me taller than 37.5% of men and 93% of women.
you are gold #FFD700 |
Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definately not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling".
Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the spacefem.com html color quiz |
vomitboyz's Dewey Decimal Section:
616 Diseases
600 Technology
Health, agriculture, management, public relations, buildings.
What it says about you:
You are creative and inspired to make the world a better place. You can work hard on something when it catches your interest. Your friends have unique interests in common with you.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com
You were born during a Third Quarter moon
This phase occurs in the middle of the moon's waning phases, after the full moon and before the new moon.
- what it says about you -
You like to make up your own mind. You may find it hard to relate to mainstream opinions on issues, and you definitely don't always like what's popular. You can work out solutions and give birth to big ideas when left to yourself, and other people will be impressed with your conclusions even if they're not sure how you arrived at them.
What phase was the moon at on your birthday? Find out at Spacefem.com

Certificate: Test results
What Lucky Star Character Are You?
For 40% you are: Konata Izumi!
You are an OTAKU! You love to hang back and sometimes don't do homework... But you are a fun loving character who loves to prank and crack a joke once and a while!
60% of 3465 quiz participants had this profile!
Take this quiz: What Lucky Star Character Are You?