Heavenly Links

There are many signs of angelic presence, as mentioned previously synchronicity is a common way angels will get your attention. Feathers, warmth or light going through your body, tingling sensations in your skin (not a bad feeling, but a nice tingling sensation) which is due to angelic vibrations, flickering lights (again, due to vibrations),

Clouds which are shaped like angels are also signs, lovely scents which you cannot explain, animals or babies staring at what may seem to be nothing, angel orbs, repeating numbers, certain animals and insects you connect to angels, rainbows, physical touch when nobody is there, random but gentle feelings of joy and love, and angelic symbols such as halos, crosses, and wings.

An angel sign is given to you to get your attention, when you receive one of these signals there is always a deeper meaning behind it. It could help you receive good emotions, inspiration, or answers that you are looking for. It is important to remember that angels are always looking out for you and even if you are not seeing signs they are still there taking care of you. They do not always have messages to send to you. Stay vigilant, watch for messages, and trust in the angels.

Personal Experiences with Angel Signs:

I frequently see angel numbers and I jot them down. I also collect feathers and I look for angels or angelic shapes in clouds, butterflies, moths, and dragonflies visit me often to spread love to me.

I walking through my neighbourhood asking the universe for a sign I was still spiritually connected. I was blessed with a heart shaped rock as well as a white feather. These were reminders from the universe that I am loved and that my angels are looking out for me (images below)